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Is all of the produce certified organic?
Yes, all of our crops are certified organic by QCS.

Does all of the produce come from your farm?
Yes.  We do not buy-in produce from other farms. 

How much produce is in the share each week?
You can view the photos on our CSA page to see actual shares from the 2022 season.

We also offer "add ons" from our online store each week to be purchased Sun-Tues and delivered with your CSA bag. 

What if I can't pick up my share one week?

1. If you unexpectedly can't make it to the pick-up location, we would encourage you to ask a friend to pick it up (either for you or as a gift to them). 

2. If you can let us know at least 2 days in advance of your pickup day, you can skip that week's delivery. We will have two weeks at the end of the season for "make-up" shares. 

3. If you forget to pickup your share before the pick-up location closes, your produce will be donated to the pick-up location.  The pick-up locations are volunteering to host and we can't expect them to hold produce after closing hours. Since we will have already delivered your produce and incurred all the expenses of doing so, we cannot issue store credit for shares not picked up.

Can I pick what vegetables come in my share?
Sorry, no not at this time; we follow the traditional CSA model.  The efficiency of standardized share harvesting and packing is what allows us as 4-5
 people to grow produce for 350 families.  The produce will be a mix of what we're harvesting that week; we put enormous effort into rotating share contents for each pick-up site to keep the mix new and exciting. We encourage you to try new recipes and reach out to us or other CSA members for tips on using vegetables you are averse to. 

We also offer the option for our members to "add-on" to their share each week by making additional online purchases of produce. We send out a forecast email on Sunday with share contents and orders are made by members online Sunday-Tuesday and added into the share bag. 

*We can adapt share contents for members with allergies, please email us.*

Will I know in advance what's in my share?
Yes, we will send out the farm newsletter before you pick up your share. It will include a list of all the items in your share and some recipes to help get your creative juices flowing.

Do I take the box home?
No, Please take only the paper bag that's inside, and carefully break down the box and place in the plastic bin for reuse.

Can I come visit the farm?
Yes, CSA members are welcome to visit the farm.  We ask that you email us in advance to schedule a time for a guided tour.  For self-guided tours, CSA members are welcome to visit any time.

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Certified Organic by Quality Certification Services
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