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Our 2025 CSA sign-ups are now open!
Click below to view pick ups and join!
Mid April - Mid November (30 weeks)
Exact start date depends on strawberry ripening.
We will be delivering to:
Mentone - On farm & Moon Lake Library
Fort Payne - Blue Jug
Chattanooga- (lots of new sites!)
The Hive on Lookout Mtn
Yoga Landing Downtown
Yoga Landing Signal Mtn
Bread and Butter Red Bank
Federal Street
Audubon Acres
Keller Williams on Lee Hwy


Our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is a weekly produce subscription directly from our farm. Our CSA members prepay for a share of our farm’s harvest for a set number of weeks and in return we deliver a weekly bag of our produce to central pick-up locations.
By knowing that our crops are already sold before planting, it allows us to focus more on actual farming and worry less about marketing during the growing season. The weekly interaction also helps us have a more personal relationship with you! We are getting direct feedback on varieties, taste, and quantities and you are learning how your food is grown and where your food comes from while ensuring local, organic farms continue to grow in your community.
The CSA model was developed in the 1980's and has become a proven model to allow small farms to survive in the long-term much more than relying on farmers' markets or wholesale.
Each week you pick-up a bag of our farm’s produce that we will have dropped at the pick-up location earlier that day. All produce will be from our farm and certified organic. What is in the bag varies by season. Pictured at the top of this page are all of our actual 2022 CSA shares in chronological order to give you an idea of the amount of food. We have found this share works well for 1-4 people depending on the amount of produce eaten each week.
We offer CSA add-ons through an online store each week for our members to purchase separately which is great for larger families or veggies lovers to get more of what they want.
You will also get an emailed newsletter each week with a list of the items in your bag, storage tips and recipes to help you get the most out of your items, and farm updates with photos.

Easy way to make a healthy commitment for you and your family to eat more vegetables each week. It will give you an opportunity to spend quality time with family preparing and sharing nutritious meals.
Four to five on farm events for CSA member families and friends.
Can easily change your pick up location if you move neighborhoods or change jobs.
A weekday pick-up means even if you go out of town on the weekend you still get your fresh veggies!
A weekly email with news updates from the farm, storage tips, photos, and recipes!
As long as you request 48 hours in advance, you can skip two weeks and pick up two extra weeks at the end of the season.
CSA members are welcome to schedule a time to come tour the farm!
Have a relationship with the people who grow your food and teach your children where their food comes from.
Full Season:
$732.00 for 30 weeks ($24.40/week) by credit card
$710.04 for 30 weeks ($23.67/week) by check*
Half Season (bi-weekly)**:
$366 for 15 weeks ($24.40/week) by credit card
$355.02 for 15 weeks ($23.67/week) by check*
You can pay in full or we have options for 2 or 4 payments by credit card so you can secure your Full Season spot for as little as $183. Payment plans must be with a credit card.
We encourage you to ask any questions before committing and to enjoy your full season but we know circumstances change. If you have an unforeseen move or are unsatisfied with your CSA, please let us know and we will give you a pro-rated refund guaranteed.
*Payment by check requires full payment simply because payment plans by check require way too much manual management during the busy season.
**We're offering a Half Season bi-weekly option again in 2025 at the request of smaller household CSA members who need less vegetables. An important note is that we design the vegetable rotations based on the weekly Full Season schedule, so it's very likely that Half Season shares will receive less variety. For example: you may miss a one-time item like edamame or cantaloupe if it falls on your off-week; or you may receive broccoli multiple times in a row because the Full Season share is rotating between broccoli and cauliflower; or if we send out kale every other week, you will either receive kale every week or never receive kale for that crop cycle. We're happy to offer the Half Share as a creative customer-suggested solution to needing less vegetables, but we cannot adapt share contents to maintain the level of variety of the Full Season.

Need more information?
View our FAQ page
Read testimonials from former members
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